Buttertrail (2013)

Performance, „Uprooted Fake Nations Festival“, Helsinki (FIN)

In 1991 I used for the first time butter in a video performance. Since that I am fascinated by this material, his qualities and the strong symbolik power. Now, in 2013 again butter is in my focus. In Helsinki I set out another trail of butter after the German-Dutch multimedia- project "Die letzte Butterfahrt". In the performance space I build up a field of energy by being extremely concentrated . One by one I invited people to seat in opposite of mine. After a while of silence, getting immersed in this concentrated energy, I asked each of my visitors the same question: “What do you want to get healed in yourself”? And everyone reacted in an absolute authentic way. I experienced this encounters as deep and intensive contact, and I am grateful for that. In the end I marked everyone with a small point of butter mixed with leaf gold on their forehead.

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